Saturday, November 6, 2010


Mr. [Earl J. Cantos] said Wednesday that it appeared that J. David's assets were being ''intentionally concealed'' from him. He said Mr. [J. David Dominelli] had told him that $125 million remained in company-controlled Swiss bank accounts after currency trading operations were halted Feb. 16 by order of a bankruptcy judge, and that another $25 million had been repaid to investors in January. Mr. [Ronald S. Orr] asked Judge J. Lawrence Irving at a hearing this afternoon to jail Mr. Dominelli for civil contempt until he produces the lists, the trade records and the $125 million Mr. Dominelli purportedly had said was in the Swiss accounts. Charles Goldberg, a criminal lawyer hired on Wednesday by Mr. Dominelli, argued that he needed more time to prepare Mr. Dominelli's defense. Judge Irving responded that Mr. Dominelli had ''adequate notice.''

Full text: New York Times, Feb 25, 1984

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fading prospects for Soviet trade

While this de-emphasis is probably the conscious effort of [Reagan-Gorbachev] administration opponents to Soviet trade, there are signs that U.S. businessmen and Soviet leaders have lowered their expectations. After all, American companies will not soon forget the millions of dollars that several of them spent on plans and contract bidding and projects in the Soviet Union that were aborted after the invasion of Afghanistan. The resulting scars explain as much as anything does why last month's U.S.-Soviet trade and economic council meetings in Moscow attracted fewer senior chief executive officers than similar but more ebullient meetings did in the 1970s. In his comments, Mikhail S. Gorbachev seemed as subdued as the American businessmen. While he spoke encouragingly of U.S.-Soviet trade, going so far as to arrange for his speech to be televised to the Soviet public, he also underplayed the volume of that trade. By stressing U.S. imports of the Soviet Union's goods, where we rank 13th among its hard-currency trading partners, rather than U.S. exports to the Soviet Union, where we are first or second, he may have been trying to suggest how much room there was to expand. Yet when he pointed to specific products that the Soviet Union might buy from the United States, he generally confined his list to machines for industry such as agribusiness, petrochemicals, chemicals, energy and the machine-tool industry itself. For the most part these would be low-technology exports, many of which even the Pentagon might tolerate.

Full text: Providence Journal, Jan 16, 1986

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


[Thomas V. Blanton Jr.], 42, quit Pru-Bache not long after the firm was involved in claims and counterclaims with customers over margin debt calls that resulted from trading Swiss francs. The Maryland suit was filed by Dr. Laszlo N. Tauber, a Washington-area physician and investor. At one point, Dr. Tauber was involved heavily in foreign currency trading with Pru-Bache. According to Dr. Tauber's allegations, the aggregate volume of the transactions from May 1984 to February 1987 exceeded $600 million and generated about $6 million in commissions for Pru-Bache and other defendants.

Full text: Richmond Times - Dispatch, Mar 9, 1988

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finance: J.P. Morgan: the Morgan Bank tries a cultural revolution

With the decline of commercial credit services, J.P. Morgan moved into investment banking and by the first quarter 1988, noninterest income from securities and currency trading and management services was only $3 million less than its net interest income of $438 million. However, the October stock market crash has dampened London securities office expansion plans, and securities personnel have departed as strategic priorities shift. The bank pays up to 60% less but offers a more collegial atmosphere than investment banking firms; mergers & acquisitions fees charged by Morgan are lower, too.

Full text: The Economist, May 7, 1988

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